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Cultural Theft in Museums Welcomes You

Now that you have stumbled onto this site, you may be wondering, “What even is cultural theft in museums?” Don’t you worry because the answer is right here. From what I have learned cultural theft is when an item or custom from a culture of a majority group is stolen from them. When an item that represents a place or culture’s history is taken away that is considered to be cultural theft.


The Rosetta Stone

For example, the Rosetta Stone is considered to be a symbolic stone that represents culture and nationality to the Egyptians. How do you think they felt when their artifact that represents a part of their culture was taken away from them? An artifact such as the Rosetta Stone is considered to be cultural when it provides information on its creation and culture from a society. Cultural artifacts are pivotal for historians and explorers to learn more about a culture.  


Can you name a stolen artifact?

Our Goal

Welcome visitors to a site that displays stolen artifacts in an innovative and unique way. Our goal is to engage our viewers with knowledge that would typically be  hidden from them in the general sense. We aim to spread awareness of artifacts that have been stolen from their home.

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